Sunday, January 27, 2008

Down Time

So, it seems the entire month of January has been one long vacation for students in Morocco. There was the new year, the Muslim new year, and independence day; all national holidays with no school or work. Then, there was a few days of school, but shortly after came the week-long exams. No school during exam week. The following week the students had off as well, waiting for teachers to correct the exams. Then, yesterday began the 11-day long mid-winter holiday break. Needless to say, when there is no school, there are no kids at Dar Chebab.

Even though I know this is true, I still find myself going to the Dar Chebab every day, hoping that maybe one stray kid will show up and want to hang out with me. I feel so desperate. Yesterday, I waited alone for over an hour, watching a cat clean itself, when a student happened to pass by and I guilted him into playing ping pong with me.

This coming week I won't even bother going to work, because there is no chance of anybody showing up. (Well, I say that now, but I know I will go...hoping...) I'm getting pretty bored. A few days ago I made the mistake of cooking enough flour tortillas and taco meat to last me a week. So, even though I am crazy about tacos, I hit my limit. I baked and ate an entire chocolate cake. I entertained friends. Visited my friends. Visited the farm. Bought some plants. Colored with crayons. Watched the entire season 4 of Gilmore Girls. Reorganized my kitchen. STUDIED MY ARABIC TEXTBOOK. This is how bored I am...I haven't picked up that book since before summer. It's probably not bad to review and learn some new verbs, though.

Today, I colored again and now I am trying to motivate myself to do some laundry. I would even consider going on a bike ride. Bike riding in my town is a joke. I can walk to the edge of town and back in ten minutes, so with a bike, that cuts the time down considerably.

Oh, my god, I just reread this and realized how whiny and pathetic I sound! I'm sorry if you read this post, it was even boring to write!

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