Tuesday, April 15, 2008

settling in again

I didn't do anything at all this weekend. I needed a day or two to relax after Sara's visit/Spring camp. I did some exercise, laundry and studied my Arabic a little. Every once in a while I need a day where I don't leave my house and just sort of store up energy until the next time when I can have a day of quiet time again.

I'm feeling really integrated and content in my town. When I came back from camp, everyone was so happy to see me and were asking me, "Where have you been hiding?" I remember when I left my town for camp, the taxi driver gave me this concerned look and asked, "You'll come back, right? You're not yet finished with your work!" And I laughed, and reassured him I would return. When I walked into Dar Chebab, my boys were sitting there, waiting for me. I love my boys. This month our Friends Club is going to plan a field day for the youth from our town and the next town over. We will have sports and English competitions and leadership activities. I'm really excited and can't wait to see how it turns out!

I started an exercise "regime" as we say it here when I got back from camp. I've been getting up at 6:30 every day, riding my bike to Nadia's house in the village, and the two of us walk to a farm where we walk laps. Then, I ride my bike back to town. It's great because it's early and nobody is at the farm, so it's just the two of us, no harassment. It makes me feel like a normal person again. And I don't really mind getting up that early. I think it makes me more productive in my day anyway.

I've been listening to a lot of Arabic music lately. It's fun trying to listen for the words and see how much I can understand. Guess I'm a dork! I'll try and see if I can get on the songs on the blog. There has to be a way to do that!

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