Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My mailing address!

This will be my mailing address during training:

Jennifer Bentley
s/c Corps de la Paix
2 Rue Abou Marouane Essaadi
Rabat 10100, MOROCCO

This will be my address during my first three months of training. I will post my future permanent address when I find out what it will be! Please send me lots and lots of letters!

The mail delivery will probably be quite sporadic, so don't worry if you do not receive my letters regularly. Also, please do not send cash through the mail, as it will probably never reach me.

If you want to send me a package, the brown padded envelopes work the best. Also, I have heard that if you use red ink and label the packages with religious symbols, the package may stand a better chance at remaining unopened. But, who knows! Make sure they have the green customs label and are marked as gifts, otherwise I may have to pay a fee to receive the package.

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